Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 43 - 071309

Lander, WY to Dubois, WY - 75.39 miles - Trip Total: 2933.99 miles

The morning started when Don dropped a wake up call style, surprise McDonald's Crispy Chicken Sandwich in my tent! Thanks again Don! We packed up camp and hit the road through the Wind River Indian Reservation. Our first stop was for a quick snack and water refill roadside on 287. We continued on along the beautiful Wind River to our second stop at the Crowheart Store Exxon in Crowheart, WY. I enjoyed a large cherry Slush Puppie, a chocolate milk, a vitamin water, and an Ice Cream Drumstick. The last section of riding today was beautiful with the rushing Wind River to our right and the towering red rock canyon walls all around. We pulled into Dubois and set up camp at the Wind River KOA Kampground. After enjoying a buffalo burger at the Cowboy Cafe for lunch, Kevin and I headed over to the Fremont County Wyoming Dubois Branch Library for some computer time. Tonight I hope to shower, do a bit of laundry, and hit the Kampground pool!


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Love the pictures, videos, and news. Maryan Bing

  2. Thanks for following ... its been a great time thanks to Kev-man
